Orchid Number 2

Yesterday, I bought another orchid plant at Ikea. I’m currently decorating our flat and I think that we need more than just one plant in the living area. Orchid is not my favorite plant but I find it beautiful and relaxing to look at and it is not difficult to take care of. You only have to water it when the soil gets dry and it doesn’t need direct sun exposure (which is hard to get here because it’s cloudy most of the time.).

This type of orchid is called Phalaenopsis. It is also known as the Moth orchid because the flower resembles the shape of a moth. Phalaenopsis is a foreign plant here in Norway and it only grows in tropical countries like the Philippines.

This orchid plant is not big. The height is only 35 cm and the pot’s diameter is 9 cm and cost 49 Nok (6 usd) A great plant for new beginners like me.



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